Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Extracting First Name, Middle names and Last names

Hello Excel-lent,

A friend recently asked if it was possible to extract first names, middle names and last names from a list of names and after thinking about it, I replied YES!

How is this done?

Let’s assume you have in;
  1.             Cell A1 the name “Sorinola Oladapo Augustine” 
  2.          And you want to extract the first name in cell B1, middle name in cell C1 and last name in cell D1 as shown in figure 1
  3.            In cell B1, type this formula =LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)-1), without the double quotes as shown in       figure 2
  4.   In cell C1, type this formula =IF(LEN(B2&D2)+2>=LEN(A2),"",MID(A2,LEN(B2)+2,LEN(A2)-LEN(B2&D2)-2)) , without the double quotes as shown in figure 3
  5.    In cell D1, type this formula  =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","*",LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))) , without the double quotes as shown in figure 4
  6.          If you have more than one name in column A, e.g A1: A10, copy cells B1: D1 and select cells B2:D10, then paste what you copied from B1:D1
  7.           Try is NOW and see, then share with others!

This has saved you a lot of time rather than having to retype the names one by one which off course is open to errors and typos. You don't have to cram the formula, they are text formulas that we have discussed about in the past. See links below;

Figure 1

Figure 2.


Figure 3

Figure 4

Excel-lently yours,

Sorinola Oladapo
07014282477, 07062932708
BB 52E9802D

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Do you still have a Job?

Hello Excel-lent!

Good to be back here, hope your day has been good?

I got a BBM broadcast from a career "Pilot" yesterday and truthfully, it got me worried for some of us who are still in the rat race and since this platform is about being Excellent in all that you do, I felt I should share so that "as you aspire for the best, you're prepared for the worst". 

The lines below were from Jimi Tewe's broadcast of 11.18.2015, please read and digest!

"If you currently have a Job, you just might want to read this. 

This morning, I got a BBM broadcast from one of my contacts speaking about a Telecoms Company that recently let go of 30% of its workforce. 

Yesterday evening, I spent a few hours with a friend of mine who is very Senior in the Banking Industry and he confirmed the organised retrenchment efforts going on in the banking industry & the push to move back office staff to marketing functions.

The Oil & Gas industry is still reeling from the forced adjustment in staff numbers key players had to implement just to ensure business continuity. There will still be further cuts in the industry once inquisitions into subsidy fraud have been concluded by this anti-corruption driven government.

December is around the corner again. Typically, people get paid 3 times in some companies- Monthly Salary, 13th Month & Upfront payments.

I can confirm that HR Executives of some companies are also collating retrenchment & redeployment lists to help their business to cushion themselves against heavy payouts in this season.

As I am typing this, the sad reality is that someone you know might lose their job in a few weeks BUT in their thinking, they still have a Job.

The good news is that the economy is not only shrinking, it is changing and a few changes are birthing new opportunities. Only the discerning can know them.

Join me this evening on Twitter (follow @jimitewe) as I throw more light on Economic Realities, Organisational Responses and Personal Responsibility. 

The steering of your career lies in your hand.

It starts by 7.30pm and it WILL be explosive. Tell your friends, spouse, family members and colleagues about it. 

If you are not on Twitter... hmm.. I will talk about that also. 

Please rebroadcast. Many people think they still have a job. They just might be saved by your broadcast!

Jimi Tewe
Career Success Catalyst
Twitter: @jimitewe‎"

Of a truth, Economic Realities should not be disregarded on your path to Excellence. As a matter of fact, they dictate your survival in most instances but your ability to understand the realities of life, set your pace for growth. 

Do you still have a job?

Oladapo Sorinola
Business Intelligence & Data Analyst.