Saturday, 8 November 2014

How the SUMIF Function Works-1

I had earlier stated that the If function also works with other functions to achieve desired results. You can use If function with "AND","OR",COUNTIF, SUMIF,AVERAGEIF,SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS. Now let's see how it works with the SUM Function. The SUMIF function combines the IF function and SUM function in Excel. This combination allows you to add up those values in a selected range of data that meets specific criteria. 

The IF portion of the function determines what data meets the specified criteria and the SUM part does the addition. Normally, SUMIF is used with rows of data called records. In a record, all of the data in each cell in the row is related - such as a company's name, address and phone number. SUMIF looks for the specific criteria in one cell or field in the record and if it finds a match, it adds that data or data in another specified field in the same record. Although it is possible to just type the SUMIF function into a cell in a worksheet, many people find it easier to use the function's dialog box to enter the function. Steps. Click on cell A1 to make it the active cell. 

This is where we will enter the SUMIF function.Click on the Formulas tab. Click on the Math & Trig icon on the ribbon to open the function drop down list. Click on SUMIF in the list to bring up the SUMIF function's dialog box. The data that we enter into the three blank rows in the dialog box will form the arguments of the SUMIF function. These arguments tell the function what condition we are testing for and what range of data to sum when the condition is met. CIAO!

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