Monday, 6 July 2015

Discover these 15 extremely powerful excel formulas and save a ton of time next time you open that spreadsheet-1

Discover these 15 extremely powerful excel formulas and save a ton of time next time you open that spreadsheet. 

1. Change the case of cell contents – to UPPER, lower, Proper
Oga at the top wants a report of top 100 customers, thankfully you have the data, but the customer names are all in lower cases. Fret not, you can Proper Case cell contents with proper() formula.
Example: Use proper("godwin orubebe") to get Godwin Orubebe

Also try lower() and upper() as well to change excel cell value to lower and UPPER case

2. Clean up textual data with trim, remove trailing spaces
Often when you copy data from other sources, you are bound to get lots of empty spaces next to each cell value. You can clean up cell contents with trim() spreadsheet function.
Example: Use trim(" ambode lasgidi ") to get "ambode lasgidi"

3. Extract characters from left, right or center of a given text
Need the first 5 letters of that passport number or area code from that phone number? You can command excel to do that with left() function. 

Example: Use left("Hi Jonathan!",2) to get Hi
Also try right(text, no. of chars) and mid(text, start, no. of chars) to get rightmost or middle characters. 
Someone once lost her job 'cos she had a list of over 5k invitees names (all wrongly typed I.e Dapo as dApO) to format and cos of her no-no in Excel, she was retyping the names line by line which took her eternity. She lost steam + her job but Proper, lower,Upper could have earned her more respect. Aspire Excel-lence!

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